The Gospel of Technical Interviews

For the last one and a half months, I have been waiting for my OPT to arrive so that I can start working. I am really looking forward to it, but there have been considerable delays in OPT processing times. I am not used to not doing anything, and I quickly get bored. I do not have the funds to go on a vacation nor do I have a car so I can’t travel much. There aren’t that many people around either. It sucks that when you are 27, almost everyone around you seems to have a job. I have been a regular at all coffee shops that were close to my place and watched the Office from the start to the end. I am trying to avoid watching it all over again.

Because of my restrictive funds, I can’t buy the parts I need for my projects. Unfortunately, my GPU isn’t that good either. Sadly, machines learn very slowly without powerful GPUs. This leaves me with a few options. I can learn a new programming language to pass time or I can work on some toy projects. I even bought a freaking domain name, which is “under construction” right now. Inspired by Stanley from the Office, I have decided to spend some of my time solving the crosswords specifically designed for software engineers. These crosswords can be found at Leetcode and Hackerrank. In other words, I decided to solve technical interview questions to pass time. I will be writing about my solutions as I want to make it a little more social - talking to yourself is a bit weird when you are at a coffee shop.

Written on July 31, 2019