Books and Films

Books and films are an indispensable part of my life. I had long wanted to keep track of the films I watch and the books that I read as they can be a window to the past, and perhaps the future. I decided to share what I read/watch with the world. I am not entirely sure what my motive is. Perhaps someone will see the book list and reach out. Maybe I will respond to them. Maybe it will help drive some insightful discussions. Maybe it’s the geek in me. Maybe I’m following Bill Gates’ footsteps. Maybe I am trying to promote the books/films that I like. Who knows?!

For books, I usually delve into one topic and read everything I can find on that topic. I first make a list of books in the topic that I’d like to learn more about and batch order them. For films, I usually watch a whole series of films from one director/genre/country/era. I have accounts on both Mubi & Criterion Channel. I’d highly recommend both if you like films. I read/watch to pass/enjoy time and maybe pick up something along the path. I don’t take notes unless I really have/want to learn something.

I wanted to keep my reading/watch list on this website, but that’s just unnecessary since I already have IMDb and Goodreads accounts.

Written on April 21, 2021